About Us
Hurricane Creek Grange #608 was chartered on the Fifth of February, 1923, and has enjoyed a long history of serving the needs of its Wallowa County community. The Grange Hall was constructed by Grange workers in 1926 and the dining room added in the early 1950’s. Hurricane Creek Grange has been involved in the community — hosting numerous activities and fundraisers to support local activities and organizations. The Grange participates in the county-wide Wallowa County Pomona Grange #22 as well as the Oregon State Grange and the National Grange.
Hurricane Creek Grange is located near the intersection of Airport Lane and Hurricane Creek Road about two miles west of Joseph, Oregon. The address is 82930 Airport Lane, Joseph, Oregon 97846.
Visitors and new members are always welcome.
View the National Grange Declaration of Purposes.
Brief National Grange History
The National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry was founded in 1867, and is the oldest agricultural and rural public interest organization. The Grange has played a key role in advancing legislation in the United States. Women were given voice and full vote within the Grange upon its founding, far before women were able to vote in the United States. Formed after the Civil War, the Grange worked to help farms organize, and to encourage agricultural research and education. The Grange has been involved in promoting the Land Grant Colleges and the Extension Service, as well as 4-H and FFA programs. The Grange has had a voice in Congress, helping to pass such bills as the Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890), Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) and Universal Suffrage (1919), and lobbied for rural free delivery by the Post Office (1896) . In addition to helping support these laws, Grangers have been a driving force behind improving transportation, waterways, deaf and hard of hearing programs, volunteer fire departments, relief funds worldwide, community service programs, all in addition to helping improve the condition for farms through improving bargaining positions and strengthening property rights. Grangers on a local level have assisted their communities in numerous ways, from creating urban farming initiatives to building bridges. It is a multi-denominational, non-partisan organization that focuses on a commitment to the land and to each other.